
  • College

    College of Professional Advancement

  • Department

    Human Services and Psychology

  • Degree


  • Location

    Atlanta, Online


Expand your options with studies in psychology

Mercer University’s Bachelor of Science in Psychology prepares students to think critically about the science of psychology and its practice as they develop a working knowledge of psychology’s content domains. Students learn to interpret, conduct, and design basic psychological research. An individualized capstone research project integrates and demonstrates research skills acquired. The B.S. in Psychology qualifies students to pursue graduate studies in areas such as psychology, business, human resources, law, and medicine. Mercer’s psychology major further prepares students to:

  • Engage in innovative and integrative thinking and problem solving
  • Incorporate sociocultural factors in scientific inquiry
  • Apply ethical standards to evaluate psychological science and practice

Designed for busy and working adults

Mercer understands the many demands on your time, so we design classes to accommodate your busy schedule. The B.S. in Psychology admits students five times per year in January, March, May, August, and October. Students can complete the degree fully online, at Mercer’s Atlanta campus, or in a blended combination of in-person and online classes.

There are two eight-week terms during the fall and spring semesters, and one eight-week and one four-week term during the summer semester. On-campus classes meet one night per week, and students can comfortably take two classes per week while maintaining a work-life balance.

Find your ideal career with a degree in psychology

Psychology majors take courses that enable them to understand people from a wide variety of perspectives. Psychology careers span many fields, and students who graduate with this degree can pursue graduate school or immediately enter the job market. Graduate school prepares students to enter careers such as researchers, counselors, psychologists, professors, or consultants. Students who successfully complete Mercer’s Bachelor of Science in Psychology can work in roles such as:

  • Behavioral Support Technician
  • Career/Employment Counselor
  • Case Manager
  • Child Development Specialist
  • Health Technician
  • Occupational Analyst
  • Probation/Parole Officer
  • Psychiatric Technician
  • Psychological Stress Evaluator
  • Psychosocial Rehabilitation Specialist (PSR)
  • Sales Representative
  • Social Service Specialist

Learn more about our Psychology major

Ready to take the next step?

Schedule your personalized admissions counseling appointment, or contact the Office of University Admissions at 877.840.8599 or for more information.

Gain new perspectives from study abroad opportunities

Students in the B.S. in Psychology program have the opportunity to participate in a two-course study abroad program, Exploring a Century of Change in Germany: A Study of the Role of Conflict and Leadership. The study abroad program is designed to investigate various aspects of the vast history, focusing on the last one hundred years, including the culture and conflict within Berlin, Germany and its people. Utilizing experiential-based learning, this two-fold program will explore multiple facets of the history and culture in this region.

  • Students will trace the development and growth of Berlin, Germany starting from the days of monarchy, dictatorship and fascism, communist rule, and a divided city (and nation), up through a free and reunified democracy.
  • Psychological and cultural aspects will be explored, including the concepts of conformity and obedience, with the specific roles they had in influencing the history of Berlin during World War II, the Holocaust, and Communism. The story of Berlin and its people will be explored using a variety of formats, including lectures, museum visits with docents, guided tours, and discussions with local experts.

The program seeks to fulfill the mission of the University by encouraging students to learn and be curious about different cultures and history outside of the United States. It will also provide students with the opportunity to see how other forces, both external and internal, can change the shape of a nation and a city. To fully immerse oneself in learning about and understanding Berlin and its culture, the program is best suited for international travel. Students can enroll in the following courses:

  • LBST 303 Issues of Justice in a Global Community
  • PSYC 390 Special Topics in Psychology: Examining the Role of Social Psychology During the Holocaust and World War II in Berlin

The B.S. in Psychology program taught me skills that I'll need for my career choice as a mental-health problem solver. For example, I learned about abnormal psychology, which taught me useful information on how to identify and recognize mental illnesses. I also learned about human and child development, and this knowledge is putting me ahead in my current graduate program because I already know some of the curriculum.

Maham Husain, B.S. in Psychology, ’20

Maham Husain

I chose Mercer’s B.S. in Psychology program because it was very convenient to my work and home. I took several classes in person and was grateful for the option to take courses online. Being able to continue taking classes and stay at home with my newborn was huge.

Julie Almand, B.S. in Psychology, ’17

Mercer was the right choice for me to pursue a B.S. in Psychology because they so successfully cater to adult learners. The 8-week classes were particularly wonderful in allowing me to focus on two subjects at a time while still completing four classes each semester and staying on top of my full-time job. The Mercer program, my professors, and advisors were a huge part of my success in getting into graduate school.

Virginia Troemel, B.S. in Psychology, ’20

Virginia Troemel

Meet Our Professors

Faculty with advanced study and extensive research in areas such as cognition and human behavior, help students to grasp basic theories, principles, and concepts in psychology.