Dr. Vikraman Baskaran
Associate Professor of Informatics
Program Coordinator, B.S. and M.S. in Health Informatics
Department of Informatics and Mathematics
- Mechanical Engineer Degree, Institution of Engineers in India, 1991
- M.S., Coventry University, 2002
- Ph.D., Coventry University, 2009
Research and professional interests
Dr. Vikraman Baskaran specializes in Health Informatics with a focus on integrating emerging technologies into healthcare solutions. As a Georgia Governor’s Teaching Fellow (2024-25), he leads innovative approaches in Health Informatics education. His current research encompasses artificial intelligence applications in healthcare, medical device logistics, and assistive technologies for patient self-management. His work bridges theoretical frameworks with practical applications, particularly in areas of AI-based knowledge extraction and clinical decision support systems.
Dr. Baskaran actively contributes to the field through his work in developing comprehensive Health Informatics programs at both graduate and undergraduate levels. He maintains strong connections with healthcare industry through his involvement with HIMSS (Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society) and has published in peer-reviewed journals, conference proceedings, and contributed to books in the field of Health Informatics. His recent work focuses on the integration of AI tools in healthcare education and practice, including innovative applications for NICU patient care and electronic medical record systems.
Contact Dr. Baskaran